iVoting everything!


Take part in the largest Polish research program developing Blockchain technology in voting. Become our tester and vote on the Internet.

A milestone towards cyber democracy!

High level of security and anonymity in Internet voting

The iVoting app aims to be an intuitive and user-friendly online voting tool based on Blockchain technology and advanced cryptological algorithms. iVoting Free is dedicated to all Internet users who want to organise electronic voting and use the tool for social and entertainment purposes.

The iVoting system will enable secure, strong, unambiguous electronic confirmation of the voter’s identity and the signing of petitions by voting for the petition” using computers and smartphones. The iVoting Free application is a pilot tool to build a group of social testers for ongoing research and development projects related to the issue of online voting. The free app will be used to test the new technology in a real Internet environment, in mass voting with hundreds of thousands of Voters and thousands of active votes in real time, helping to build a secure and anonymous Internet voting system within a few years.

Our priorities

The iVoting app is the answer to the existing challenges of remote voting.

The modern world requires us to keep our distance, creating a new kind of remote relationship. This reality demands digital, trusted tools to help build consensus in small and large social groups.


Effective protection of voting results through the intention to create a decentralised network with high cyber security parameters.

Public scrutiny

Full public control of the vote, through the ability to observe it in the application and the introduction of transparent protocol code with an open source licence.


The impossibility of linking an individual's identity to the voting result (the use of a so-called identity concealment protocol).

Increase turnout

Ability to vote from any location. The introduction of mobile (or hybrid) voting will improve turnout and significantly increase the convenience of collective decision-making in community groups.


A record on the public blockchain will allow any person to verify the correctness of the vote and check that the vote was cast correctly.

Reducing costs

Reducing the cost of handling voting. Reduce the number of staff overseeing the event. By voting for free, you are supporting the development of an application in Poland's largest research programme on Internet voting systems.

Check out how it works!

Vote using any device with internet access!

Political parties' opinion polls

Check the current mood of the political parties

iVoting’s ongoing poll allows you to vote anonymously for the political party you support. If you change your mind -vote for a new party. We study electorate flows on a very large sample of voters – Internet users.

Take part in the vote!

If the general election were held this Sunday, for whom would you cast your vote?


Comprehensive system to handle any type of voting, i.e.: polls, surveys, back polls, referendums, opinion polls and all possible, non-commercial forms of voting on the Internet.

Monitorowanie dostępu kobiet do najwyższych stanowisk kierowniczych.

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Free tool to manage your vote online

We give you the iVoting Free app – a free tool to manage your vote online – We live in a diverse society where we play different roles every day. We are parents, students and teachers, employees and employers, voters and politicians. We have our own reasons and beliefs. We want to change or maintain the status quo.

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Commodity application

In 2020, individual investors donated PLN 1538 34 to the iVoting research and development project using Blockchain technology for online voting. In 2021, we plan to launch a special tool for retail investors that will make it easy and affordable for them to gain profits from our project.

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About the project

Smart Cables Sp. z o.o. has received a grant from European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 200,000.00 PLN, for the implementation of the project under the Grant Agreement No. UG-PMT / 1401 / 8N / 2019-USA. The project is co-financed under the un Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020, axis III “Support for innovation in enterprises”, Measure 3.3 “Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Polish tech-bridges”.

The aim of the project is to support the process of expansion of the foreign iVoting platform. The result of the project will be the expansion of the iVoting platform on the US market (a market with great potential and absorption in terms of introducing new technological solutions).